Educational Talent Search (ETS)
is a federally funded TRiO program designed to help students successfully complete middle and high school and enroll in and graduate from a university or trade school.

Utah Tech's ETS program serves 8th - 12th graders in Washington County
who will likely be first generation college/trade school graduates and who meet TRiO income guidelines. All services are FREE!

ETS is fun!
ETS students have access to exciting workshops, cultural events, and college tours designed to help them develop the skills and confidence to pursue their goals.

ETS graduates are ready to succeed!
ETS students are more likely to graduate from high school and enroll in college than students from similar backgrounds who aren’t in ETS. (Pell Institute)
ETS Services
Craig Harter
TRiO Pre-College Programs Director
Email: Craig.Harter@utahtech.edu
Phone: 435-652-7659
Office: Browning 211A
Connie LaClare
TRiO Pre-College Programs Administrative Assistant
Email: Connie.Laclare@utahtech.edu
Phone: 435-652-7852
Office: Browning 211