The Role of Parents in ETS
Educational Talent Search parents are the number one factor in determining if and where most students attend college.
ETS welcomes parents to participate in all of our activities and offers you information through a monthly newsletters on topics to help you help your child find future success!
Come Visit Us
On campus:
ETS/TRiO Center
Rm. 112B & 112A, Browning Building
Utah Tech University
225 S. University Ave.
St George, UT 84770
Academic Advisor Offices are in the following High Schools: DHS, EHS, MHS, HHS, PVHS & SCHS. The Advisors are also in the respective middle schools: DMS, HMS, PVMS & SCMS.
See the staff page for your students assigned advisor in our program.

Kitty Hughes
Director of Educational Talent Search
Email: hughes@utahtech.edu
Phone: 435-652-7657
Office: Browning 104
Connie LaClare
Administrative Secretary
Email: Connie.Laclare@utahtech.edu
Phone: 435-652-7852
Office: Browning 103